Selasa, April 19, 2016

Indonesia's Recommended Places To Go To

Hi again!

As I posted yesterday, I'd like to post recommended places in Indonesia that you might want to go. Let's get to it.

If you seeking holiday in beautiful place/ gorgeous scenery/ exploring the nature, you might want to consider these places.

(Most people will recommend Bali, but Bali tends to be crowded of tourists, so, I'll recommend somewhere else)

1. Pulau Komodo (Komodo Island)

Pantai Pink Pulau Komodo (Komodo Island's Pink Beach)
Komodo Island was registered as one of World Heritage in 1986 and got into New Seven Wonders of Nature in 2011.These island offer you beautiful land and underwater view. You can do Trekking, Snorkeling , etc. I bet you want to take a selfie on Pink Beach! Don't worry, the color was made from super tiny pieces of corals that got washed up to the beach. Don't believe me ? Just google it.

2. Trio Gili
Gili, Lombok
Trio Gili are 3 beautiful islands in Lombok (Trio = 3).  They are Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno and Gili Air. Gili Trawangan is the most populer island since it bigger than those two islands. If you looking for peace, quiet place but still want to enjoy yourself, I recommend this place. As far as I know, there aren't so many people visit there yet.

3. Raja Ampat
Recently, Raja Ampat became so famous in Indonesia. Many Indonesian wanting to go there, but the ticket to go there is expensive and it is located in Papua, which is the east side of Indonesia. Raja Ampat also known as one of the best location for snorkeling. The Nature Conservancy said that 75% of Sea Creatures can be found in Raja Ampat. Raja Ampat itself have several islands (Yes, I know. Indonesia have sooo many islands), but there are four main islands and they are Waigeo, Misool, Salawati and Batanta. Some people said that October and November are the perfect months to go because the weather and the waves is better. Loves the sea ? I recommend this place!

4.  Danau Sentani (Sentani Lake)

Danau Sentani is known as the biggest lake in Papua. Try to go there in July. They will host Danau Sentani's Festival which they do it once in a year. Many local cuisines and cultures shows will be there, so, remember July.

5. Taman Laut Bunaken (Bunaken Sea Garden)
Taman Laut Bunaken got registered as one of World Heritage by the UNESCO. So many sea creatures lives can be found there. This place have 30 spots for diving. You can dive while swimming with fishes and maybe touch them or sea the magical life of the sea without getting wet with submarine.
Can you guest the local cuisines are? I bet you know one of them.

6. Puncak Jayawijaya (Jayawijaya Peak)

Indonesia only have two seasons, which is Rainy and Dry Season. Thanks to be in the Tropical zone, we will never getting the coldness of the winter. But somestimes, we want to see the snow. Oh wait, we have the eternal snow! It is on the peak of Jayawijaya Mountain, it also called as Puncak Carstensz (Carstensz  Peak). 5,000 meters above the sea level, Jayawijaya mountain got into Seven Summits list. Okay, maybe not every Indonesian can see the eternal snow. Only the bravest and strongest hikers can defeat this mountain. Dare to hike ?

7. Tana Toraja
Hmm... Tana Toraja have many beautiful view and greenery. This place also have a strong ethnic stuffs and events, which many tourist get so curious about it. I think i can not explain too detail so, you might need to google it yourself. For me, I personally feel anxious about their strange culture. Tana Toraja people believes that when a person die, they might be just sick, so they inject some formalin into the corpse. Strange isn't it ? Even there is an article called Tana Toraja as " The Land of the Death that Lives. (?)". Click here for details.
Tana Toraja quite mysterious, but their culture makes the whole village participate in some events. That event usually open for public. Their cuisines also delicious. 

8.Candi Borobudur
Located in Jogjakarta (Jogja), Candi Borobudur is a complex temple registered as one of world wonders and world heritage in 1991.  If you go to Jogja and not visit this Candi, your trip is just not... not complete. There is Hollywood movie called "Java Heat" shot in there. There is also a place you need to go which is Malioboro.

Recently, thanks to Indonesia legendary romance movie called "Ada Apa Dengan Cinta? 2 " ("What's Wrong With Cinta i.e. Love? 2"), many Indonesian trying to some places that been shot in the movie. Click here for details.
I'd like to go there too, but, with who ??? I can't travel alone :p
Where are you Rangga ? I'm Cinta Kamu :)))

*Well, if you go to Jakarta, I might be able to guide you around. Especially if you want to do culinary trip. Hahaa. I love foods! Delicious FOOD!!!

Okay then, those places that i've mentioned are very worthy to visit. Even I want to go there too but, you know, money. I need to work first to safe some money. :(

See you again on my next post and thank you for reading this blog. Appreciated it.

Courtesy of pictures :

4 Things You Need to Know About Indonesian


If you want to travel to Indonesia and want to make some preparation, this post is what you need. Yes, I am Indonesian. So, I'm going to help you to know the way of thinking of majority of Indonesian.


1. Indonesian Likes "Bule"
If you are living outside Indonesia, then you must "Bule"
What's Bule means? Bule means tourist/stranger from another countries, especially, the Australia, Europe, and United States. Indonesian usually call white people as "Bule" (Even White skin Asian does not count). Even for black people, who speak English, they will call you as "Bule" too.
Ok, i'll summarize that Indonesian call any non-Asian who lives outside Asia and talk in English daily as "Bule". (Sorry Asia, It just a habbit. Don't take it personally. Just another culture shock.)
Why Indonesia likes "Bule"?
They see you as foreign people (mainstream Indonesian thought that foreign people = cool people/ rich people, the others maybe thinking genuinely want to make friends). Don't be so shock when you are finally decided to come to Indonesia, and many people want to take a selfie with you or smiling/giggling at you. Just enjoy it.

2. Indonesian Loves Social Media
(In this case, Facebook)
Honestly, as Indonesian, sometimes I do feels kind of embarrassed to fellow Indonesia. They tend to obsessed to "Bule". If you have added Indonesian friend into your Facebook, I think, Evey posts you make will have their comments of loves or their own posts or etc. Thanks to the technology, addiction to Social Media is rising.
Oh, I suggest you to avoid friend request on Facebook for any strange name (e.g. L4il4 cH4Y4nK CmU4x, or any name combination of numbers and letters, Big or Small letters. We called them as "Alay". Alay is abbrevation of Anak Lebay = Overly Cheezy Person)

3. Indonesian Loves Bule that Learning Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Language)
If you learning Bahasa Indonesia, i do recommend you need to post in your blog or youtube video or instagram or etc, that you want to learn Bahasa Indonesia. Just wait and let the magic happens. Indonesian will go crazy to want to teach you. My suggestion is pick a sane person that you think he/she might have the ability to teach you properly. I'm quite sure they will teach you for free.

4. Indonesian Loves Bule that Love Indonesia
Similar to what have I mentioned earlier, if you post in your social media that you love Indonesia and wait until 1 Indonesian saw you, it will go viral. And soon many Indonesian will welcome you greatly. Try to search name "Felipe Valdes" on goole. He is an example what I've explained.

Well, you can forget what i have explained try yourself to interact with Indonesian.
Or better, come to Indonesia right away! I will gladly welcome you. Need some advise/have some questions during in Indonesia ? Feel free to contact me.

I'll post later for some recommendation places to go to in Indonesia.
Sorry for my grammatical is a mess.

See you again on the next post ;)

Senin, April 18, 2016

Cara Mengeja Angka Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Hello semua.

Post kali ini saya akan ajarkan cara mengeja angka dalam bahasa Inggris.
Mungkin kalian yang sudah jago bahasa Inggrisnya, bisa saja sedikit tersandung dalam masalah mengeja. Jangan anggap enteng.
Salah mengeja, salah juga artinya.
Mungkin kalau angka-angka dasar 1-9 sudah pada hafal, puluhan, ratusan dan ribuan.
Tetapi ketika sudah lebih 7 digit angka, mungkin kalian harus slow down a bit.

Mengeja angka (terutama nominal besaran uang ratusan juta, miliyaran bahkan triliyunan) harus berhati-hati dalam mengeja nya. Salah eja, yaa salah juga nanti maksud nominalnya.
Apalagi, British memiliki sistem eja yang berbeda sedikit, yakni pada angka
Kalau di Bahasa Indonesia, dibaca berapa ? 1 Miliyar ?
Nah British mengejanya dengan "Billion" (ada 9 Nol nya)
Tetapi ada juga yang mengeja "Billion" tetapi jumlah Nol nya ada 12 (Padahal kalau 12 Nol nya dibaca Trillion).
Bagi mereka yang membaca Billion dengan 12 digit, 9 digit belakangnya dieja " a thousand million")
Contoh : (one billion, a thousand million) [correct me if am I wrong]

Tapi Normalnya, 12 angka nol nya dibaca "Trillion"
Jabarannya seperti ini :
 (* Yang di dalam kurung bahasa Indonesianya)

1.000 =  Thousand (Seribu)
1.000.000 = Million (Sejuta) = Billion (Miliyar) = Trillion (Biliyar) = Quadrillion (Triliun)
(Jumlah uang di Indonesia sih sejauh ini masih sampai triliun. Jujur saya kurang tahu untuk bilangan yang lebih dari triliun)

Cara memisahkan bilangan, sistematik bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris sama saja,1 s/d 999, lalu lebih dari 1.000, dihitung lagi 1 s/d 999 (Seperti 1001, 1002...1999)

Mari kita langsung ke contoh saja yuk :

Gaji pokok A sebagai seorang manajer sebesar 
Rp 15.499.000,- 
(Lima belas Juta Empat Ratus Sembilan Puluh Sembilan Ribu Rupiah)

in English :
A's Regular Salary as a Manager is 
Rp 15.499.000,- 
(fifteen million, four hundred and ninety-nine thousand Rupiah)

Rumah Spektakuler dengan harga  
(dua belas juta sembilan ratus sembilan puluh sembilan United States Dollar)

In English:
Spectacular Mansion priced at 
(twelve million, nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand United States Dollar)

Kira-kira sudah pada mengerti belum ya ?

Sampai disini dulu saja ya post ini,
Kalau ada pertanyaan, sok atuh di komen.
kritik ? komen juga yaa.. karena dari kritik itulah saya bisa belajar. ^^

Terima kasih telah membaca post ini.

Urgent sekali ingin menulis ejaan nominal angka yang lumayan besar ?
Klik numbers generator

See you again~ 

Senin, April 04, 2016

Hanya Saling Mengingatkan Untuk Sesama Muslim

Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.

Sesekali (Harusnya sih sering-sering ya ^^;) posting yang religius boleh yaa..

Wahai saudaraku sesama muslim, apa kabar kalian semua ? Semoga ketika membaca post ini kalian sedang kondisi sehat ya.

Kali ini saya mau membahas tentang yang kecil-kecil dulu. Salam.
Kalian pernah tidak sih diberi salam sama abang-abang ojek/ cowok-cowok/om-om di pinggir jalan ketika kalian sedang jalan kaki ? Jujur, saya sering sekali diberi salam sama yang saya sebutkan tadi. Namun, berhubung kecepatan berjalan kaki saya diatas normal, saya melaju saja dan menjawab salamnya didepan orang yg memberi salam beberapa langkah. Apakah itu salah? Bagaimana dengan orang-orang yang memberi salam tersebut hanya sekedar basa-basi untuk mendekati anda?
Bagaimana bila anda menjawab salam dengan suara kecil?
Hal-hal sekecil itu sebenarnya sudah ada di pikiran saya sejak dulu.

Saya search lewat google, dan saya menemukan "Adab-adab salam".

 Intinya, salam itu sunnah, namun jika kita diberi salam, kita Wajib membalas salam tersebut. (Menurut saya)

Bagaimana menurut kalian semua ?
Saya disini masih terus belajar dan membenahi iman saya.
Jadi tolong, kalau ada yang salah dengan apa yang saya tulis, harap koreksinya yaa :)

Sampai juga dipostingan berikutnya. Wassalaamualaikum
wa rahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.