Selasa, September 27, 2016

Pottermore and I

Hey all,

welcome again to my random blog. Today, I want to talk about .
Well, as many people knows, Harry Potter movie series already ended. But their magical world seems never ever going to fade away. In Pottermore, you'll see the magical world that JK Rowling describes. Don't you ever wonder, what If Hogwarts is real and you can have a little bit adventure like Harry?
Will I join Gryffindor or Slytherin? Well, you can find out at Pottermore.

After I've answered questions in Pottermore, I found out that my house at Hogwarts will be Ravenclaw. ^^  The same house with Luna Lovegood and Cho Chang. Ravenclaw doesn't seems to be the favorite in the movies but I actually pretty happy that I'm in Ravenclaw. And here is why :

Ravenclaw Welcome Message

By J.K. Rowling

Congratulations! I’m Prefect Robert Hilliard, and I’m delighted to welcome you to RAVENCLAW HOUSE. Our emblem is the eagle, which soars where others cannot climb; our house colours are blue and bronze, and our common room is found at the top of Ravenclaw Tower, behind a door with an enchanted knocker. The arched windows set into the walls of our circular common room look down at the school grounds: the lake, the Forbidden Forest, the Quidditch pitch and the Herbology gardens. No other house in the school has such stunning views.
Without wishing to boast, this is the house where the cleverest witches and wizards live. Our founder, Rowena Ravenclaw, prized learning above all else – and so do we. Unlike the other houses, who all have concealed entrances to their common rooms, we don’t need one. The door to our common room lies at the top of a tall, winding staircase. It has no handle, but an enchanted bronze knocker in the shape of an eagle. When you rap on the door, this knocker will ask you a question, and if you can answer it correctly, you are allowed in. This simple barrier has kept out everyone but Ravenclaws for nearly a thousand years.
Some first-years are scared by having to answer the eagle’s questions, but don’t worry. Ravenclaws learn quickly, and you’ll soon enjoy the challenges the door sets. It’s not unusual to find twenty people standing outside the common room door, all trying to work out the answer to the day’s question together. This is a great way to meet fellow Ravenclaws from other years, and to learn from them – although it is a bit annoying if you’ve forgotten your Quidditch robes and need to get in and out in a hurry. In fact, I’d advise you to triple-check your bag for everything you need before leaving Ravenclaw Tower.
Another cool thing about Ravenclaw is that our people are the most individual – some might even call them eccentrics. But geniuses are often out of step with ordinary folk, and unlike some other houses we could mention, we think you’ve got the right to wear what you like, believe what you want, and say what you feel. We aren’t put off by people who march to a different tune; on the contrary, we value them!
You can read more the message if you can get entered in Ravenclaw. So Ravenclaw traits are Intelligent, wise, sharp, witty and individual. Apparently, that describes who I am. Don't you wan to find yours?

Oh, there is also a new School of Magic in North America called Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Different from Hogwarts, but It have four houses too. Name of each houses are based on magical creatures that happened to help or discovered by the founder of the Ilvermorny. And I got sorted into Pukwudgie's House. I don't really know about it but I hope Warner Bros will make a movie/movies about the new school.

Here's what Pukwudgie looks like as symbol of one of Ilvermony houses.

I'm not a fan of this Pukwudgie. -_-
You can read more about Pukwudgie on

And finally, there's new release that we can discover our own Patronus. The anti-dementors spell. You might saw Patronus of Harry's or Snape's or Luna's on the movie, right? And... my Patronus is...

White Mare !
At first, I don't know what the f white mare is. After googled it, It is an adult female white horse. In real world will be like this :

Awesome right?!
I read #ExpectoPatronum on twitter and many people have unique Patronus. There are dolphins, Polar Bears, any kinda dogs, any kinda birds, even any kinda mouses. I feel sorry to those who got any kind of mouses. I mean, you need to fight Dementors with Mouse? just surrender already.

Oh, you can also find out your wand is.
Mine is Alder Wand (At first I thought it was Elder Wand that Dumbledore had) :((

Did you already found out your Hogwart's house/ Ilvermorny's house/ Patronus/ Wand?
Please share at the comment below.

Thank you for your patience to read my random blog. ^^;
See you on the next post~

Selasa, September 13, 2016

Daftar Vendor Rias Busana Sawargi Catering Service

Hai hai,
Apa kabar capeng sekalian~? Mumet? Yaap, aku juga merasakan itu.
Seperti di postingan aku kemarin-kemarin (Vendor Catering), aku dan Dimas akhirnya memilih untuk menggunakan paket pernikahan dari Sawargi Catering Service ^^. Nah ini aku bagi2 info vendor rias busana rekanan SCS yaah.

L Gallery (Tami & Euis) [IG : @lgallery ]
Vila Kelapa Dua,
Jl. Wicaksana H 31, Pos Pengumben - Jakarta Barat

Miarosa (MR by Miarosa) (Santi / Jia) (Khusus rekanan) [IG : @mr_by_miarosa ]
Jl. Utama Raya No.19 Pondok Bambu - Jakarta Timur
(Samping perumahan beacukai, bukan yang di belakang penjara wanita loh yah!)

Mila Dewi & CO [IG : @miladewimakeup ]
Jl. Merapi No. 114, Jatibening 1 - Bekasi

Rina Gunawan Wedding Service (Fitri) [IG : @rg_sanggar_rias ]
Jl. HS Agung futsal lantai 2 Pondok Kopi - Jakarta Timur

Roemah Manten Veni Rahman (Eca / Mba Veni) [IG : @kebayavenirahman ]
Jl. Percetakan Negara XI no.41 A - Jakarta Barat
(Kalau mau dirias langsung dengan mba Veni, nambah biaya sekitar 3 s/d 4 jutaan.)

(Don't judge them by their followers on Instagram yaa)

Berhubung sewaktu pameran JWF, bu Lucy bilang dapet bonus baju akad nikah dari miarosa/RG (pilih salah satu), yaudah aku survey nya ke Miarosa n RG aja. hehee.. biar ga bingung.. dan ga jauh2 amat dari rumahku yang berada di planet Bekasi..hahaa. Atau mungkin aku nanti mau coba survey ke Mila Dewi & CO juga, secara deket juga, masih sekitar Jaktim dan Bekasi yang deket Jaktim. Sabtu lalu sih aku sudah survey ke Miarosa. Soalnya kakakku dulu jahit baju akadnya di Miarosa.
Ternyata....Yang selama ini aku liat di IG itu ternyata Miarosa yang di belakang penjara wanita alias non rekanan. Hiiiks... aku tau kalau riasnya miarosa udh ga usah ditanya lagi kualitasnya. Secara kakak ku dulu pakai Miarosa dan dia jadi cantik banget.
Tapi koleksi yang Miarosa rekanan, kurang begitu WOW kayak yang di IG Miarosa non rekanan. Pas aku kesana rame pula, koleksinya banyak yang digunakan acara juga, jadi yang bisa kita lihat terbatas.. Yaudah deh..pasrah. Pas aku survey ke RG, kan aku bareng ibu camer aku nih sama calon adik ipar. Nah, mereka sih langsung demen di RG. Yang paling demen sebenernya Dimas, soalnya koleksi baju untuk pengantin prianya banyak pilihan, walaupun pas aku kesana, sama aja kyk ke miarosa, banyak koleksi yang lagi dipake acara. Tapi yaaa hati lebih tenang di RG kayaknya, apalagi untuk Dimas yang agak picky. heheee.. Sebenernya, keduanya sama2 ada plus minusnya, jadi, apapun yang kalian pilih, pilihlah sesuai hati dan kesepakatan bersama.

Terima kasih yaah sudah membaca blog ala kadarnya ini ^^;
Maafkan postingannya yang kadang agak ribet dibaca.

Semoga dapat membantu capeng lainnya yang nyari2 alamat vendor rias busana.

See you again ~~

Senin, September 05, 2016

(ANSWERS) Choices: Stories You Play - The Freshman Book 1 Chapter 4

Hey there~

How's your day? Did you still confused to choose Chris/Kaitlyn/James?
Maybe these answers can help you. Personally, I've choosen James several times because he's the best. But now I want to try with Chris and see what will happen.

[The Beginning of the game, you'll have to deal with Time Choice, means there is time limit to choose each answer. You need to tap the answer before time's out.]

I'm going to write
* Zero pages!
* Fifteen pages (Recommended answer!!!!)
* Five pages

I'm going to write
* Twenty pages (Recommended answer!!!!)
* Twelve pages
* Two pages

I'm going to write
* A third of page!
* Thirteen pages
* Thirty pages (Recommended answer!!!!)

(You tell the reason why do you still want to stay to Chris)

I want to stay...
* Because of our friends
* Because I need an education
* Because of you! (Your relationship with Chris will be affected) (Or so I thought :|)

(After chris go to his room, Kaitlyn and Abbie ask about you and Chris)

To be honest...
* Chris and I are kind of a thing
* He's just a friend

(Your roomies still helping you with your assignment but the coffee maker is fried. Zack is suggesting you to come to buy coffee for everyone. The barista is someone Zack have interest to, so he needs you as a wing-girl.)

* I'm in! (16 diamonds needed, and you'll meet Zack potential lover and affected their relationship)
* This isn't a good time

(It's 4 a.m and you find yourself alone with Chris in the kitchen. You and Chris starts talking about your relationship)

* I want to be more than friends (Your relationship with Chris will be affected)
* We're not right for each other
* I'm not sure what I want (Chris agreed that he's still confused too)

(With your friends' help, you finished the task. And when you give to Prof. Vasquez, his reaction just flat.)

* You should be way more grateful!
* Never mind...

In the end of the chapter, Prof. Vasquez tells you that he's writing new book about college girl and you've been tasked to tell your stories in college on his circumstances.